Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Classroom Management

So I might have talked about classroom management before but I think it is really important. People think it is crazy that I can get a 2 year old to sit an  listen to a story, and then I can have them listen to me when I say, "don't do that". It all comes down to how you manage the classroom. I only see my kids 1day a week, and yet my kids come in and know the rules. I treat every kid I work with like they are a year older then they really are. I know they can't do everything, but I do set high expectations for my kids. Then when my kids have their birthday, they already know how to act their age. I get kids who won't listen to their parents but are perfect for me. It literally comes down to how I manage them and the expectations I set for them. Don't be afraid of being a little mean. I'm told that I am not allowed to put the kids in timeout but if they are going crazy and not listening then they will be removed from the situation, no matter how much they cry. And that is why they listen to me and follow my rules.
Have a great day! Don't forget to follow for more helpful tips and tricks!

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