Thursday, February 6, 2014

What to do?

Sometimes I will sit and look up ideas that I can use for a lesson. Some are easy, but others are like pulling teeth! Some of the lessons I have are so confusing to me, that I can't possibly teach it to a 2 year old! I look up ideas and crafts but I end up with nothing. Most times if that happens, I'll just skip the lesson. This then gives me a couple of weeks where I have nothing. No I don't just sit there with my kids doing nothing, I plan it out to where around Halloween and Thanksgiving we do mini lessons on them. Last year for Halloween I read the book "The Pumpkin Gospel." We talked about pumpkins and we even carved one for Halloween. For Thanksgiving we talked about being thankful. We also did a little bit on the Pilgrims, but not too much. It's when we go outside the box of what we are told we have to teach that kids have fun.
My mom is a Kindergarten teacher. She is given a unit of stuff she has to teach by a certain time. But when she doesn't follow the exact steps, and goes away from the same boring videos, her kids start to learn. I've said it before but it is true, kids learn in the weirdest way, we just have to figure out how they will learn. Never stop learning yourself. Keep expanding on what you have. Make something new and exciting. If the kids see you having fun they will want to join you! Have a great day!

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